Morgan, E, “A Review of Seismic Attenuation Mechanisms, Measurements, and Inversion Strategies,” WS02 Seismic Inversion for Marine Overburden Characterization workshop, 2019 EAGE Annual Meeting, June 2nd, 2019.

Morgan, E, “NRAP: Tools for Geologic Carbon Storage Risk Assessment,” Lightning Talk, 2019 PSIEE Energy Days, May 29th, 2019.

Morgan, E, “Virtual Asset: A Digital Platform for Connecting Research and Education to the Oil and Gas Market,” Developing the Future Energy Workforce with Integrated Education breakout session, 2019 PSIEE Energy Days, May 30th, 2019.

Morgan, E, “Incipient Virtual Asset: Examining Trends in Marcellus Production Across Space and Time,” Spotlight Seminar (Penn State Energy & Mineral Engineering Dept.), Feb. 2018.

Morgan, E, “Big Data in Oil and Gas: An Application of Time Series Analysis to Improve Probabilistic Forecasting of Production from Marcellus Wells,” ADAPT Seminar (Penn State Meteorology Dept.), Sep. 2017.

Morgan, E, and Lu, C-P, “Characterizing Outburst with Microseismic Amplitude Versus Angle Analysis,” 8th International Symposium on Green Mining, Xuzhou, China; Apr. 2015.

Morgan, E, “Characterizing Subsurface Gas Through Bayesian Inversion of a Seismic Attenuation Model,” SMAC Seminar (Penn State Statistics Dept.), Dec. 2014.

Morgan, E, “Adding spatial dependence constraints to a geophysical inverse problem,” SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Spatial UQ session: UQ12-MS44-2. April 3, 2012.

Morgan, E, “Mapping landslide hazard over a nonstationary space,” SAMSI Workshop on Models with Complex and Uncertain Domains. March 23, 2012.

Morgan, E, “Mapping the probability of earthquake-induced submarine slope failure along the U.S. Atlantic margin: a first-order, second-moment approach,” NRC/USGS Workshop on Landslide Tsunami Probability. August 19, 2011.

Morgan, E, Vanneste, M, Longva, O, Lecomte, I, McAdoo, B, and Baise, LG, “Evaluating gas-generated pore pressure with seismic reflection data in a landslide-prone area: an example from Finneidfjord, Norway,” 4th International Symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, Austin, Texas; Nov. 7-12, 2009.

Morgan, E, McAdoo, B, and Baise, LG, “Quantitative geomorphology associated with large subduction zone earthquakes,” EGU General Assembly, Session GM6.2 (Solicited). 2008.